Online Donations

Help Make a Difference!

Your tax-deductible gifts to the NFB of New Jersey will help blind and vision impaired people across the state, including parents of blind children and blind parents, students in all levels of education, adults trying to attain employment, veterans injured defending freedom, and people losing their vision due to age-related conditions.

Please help us to teach blindness-related skills to those who are struggling, to advocate for blind children who are not getting the education they need and deserve, and to encourage those who are overcoming the challenges of blindness every day.

You can contribute with any major credit card or using a PayPal account if you have one.

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Coming Soon


June 1, 2024
Joseph Kohn Training Center
130 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
AccessLink Accessible

2024 NFB National Convention

July 3-8, 2024
Rosen Center
9840 International Drive
Orlando, Florida 32819

PayPal Donations

To make a donation to the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey via credit/debit card or with a personal PayPal account, please visit our Online Donations page.